Thursday, October 25, 2012

What a Joke!

courtesy of Jacob Mentz
The future of our country depends on each election.
As our nation inches ever so closely to the 2013 midterm elections, I dread the choices our countrymen must face. There are a lot of familiar faces, to be sure, but it's almost like there is no choice. It does seem that a lot of things are changing for the better. 

COMELEC Chair Sixto Brilliantes hit the nail on the head when he called the party-list system "a joke." It really is, seeing as many of these groups do not represent the marginalized in our society. Since when are the people from entire regions in the Philippines "marginalized?" Only in many politicians' heads, I assume. 

The whole point of the party-list system is pretty noble. It aims to give the truly marginalized of society (the disabled, the poor, etc.) a voice in Congress. The problem is, many of those who are elected into position do not really represent the marginalized. How can they, when some of them have millions of pesos in net worth? The notion that they represent the poor is simply misguided. 

This misused system is sometimes used as a loophole to get around the constitutional ban on dynasties (yes, if you know how to read, you'll find out that the concept of dynasties is unconstitutional). Indeed, the Philippine government is treated as a business by some families, many of whom have more than 10 members in elective offices across the country. 

I guess that there's nothing we citizens can do about this, at least by way of legal strategy. Congress simply has refused to enact an enabling law that would really punish dynasties. The only reason these families flourish is that they know they can get away with it. 

We can, however, be wise with whom we choose on that 2013 ballot. We can choose to be smart and avoid those who try to represent people whom they could not be more different from. We can choose to avoid people whose entire families are already in position. 

Otherwise, let's not kid ourselves into calling this country a democracy. Because we really don't have a choice. Unless there are valid choices, there really is no democracy in this country. 

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