Tuesday, August 14, 2012

NBA power play?

This is something I've been wanting to get off my chest for quite some time. 

Since before the Olympics began, NBA Commissioner David Stern and some of his cohorts have been planning to create a "World Cup of Basketball" (whatever the heck THAT means). They say the Olympic basketball tournament should be for those under 23 years old, and in fact want to engineer just that. 

To me, that's just a dumb play. 

First off, a disclaimer: I have absolutely no stake in the drama. Filipino ball players haven't played a single game in the Olympics since 1972. That's 40 years of Olympic basketball absence! Seriously, we really should get our act together. But I digress. 

This plan by the NBA is about money, there's no getting around that fact. And that's why they want to create a basketball world cup -- with all or at least most of the proceeds going directly to the NBA. If they want to do that, fine, be my guest, and good riddance. 

Photo courtesy of my name is dan on flickr.com
We all love the NBA. 
We just don't want it dictating the rules of the Olympic basketball games.

But to make Olympic basketball for those below 23 years old? You have got to be kidding me! As a fan, I want to watch the absolute best that the world has to offer when I watch the Olympics. I don't want to see a bunch of virtually young boys playing. I want to see THE BEST. 

Believe it or not, the world has caught up to the US men's basketball team. They can no longer be called the Dream Team (which beat their opponents by about 40 points every single game). They can still win, no doubt about that. But Spain and Argentina have become more competitive. The final game was no nailbiter, but it was a fairly good game. 

And Stern wants to take away all that? 

If the IOC actually approves this proposal (no updates on that just yet), it will ruin the whole concept of the Olympics. Who wants to watch a bunch of kids play college-level (or even high school level) ball when there are professionals who play SO MUCH BETTER. It's not like NBA players are asking for this, either. 

There ought to be a bigger uproar over this, and already some European countries are grumbling. No one's protesting yet, because this isn't a formal proposal just yet. But hopefully there will be, because the NBA should not be allowed to flex its muscles at the expense of all the other Olympic basketball teams. 

Yes, this reeks of expansionism of a different kind. 

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